If you’re having trouble getting your NcedCloud account set up, don’t fret! Here, we’ve got some easy fixes to help you out:
Common Claiming Issues
(Unable to Claim an Ncedcloud Account): Many users encounter this technical problem while trying to claim their account from the platform’s servers.
(Account Claiming Email Not Received): This is a common issue where users haven’t received the confirmation email yet.
(Invalid Credentials Error): This problem arises when users provide incorrect information during the claiming or login process.
Solutions to Account Claiming Issues
Double-check that you’ve entered all your information correctly.
Enter a password that meets the password policy and ensure there are no spelling errors.
If you haven’t received the claiming instructions email, check your spam folder.
Verify that your eScholar UID number, Staff UID, or Students’ UID number is correct; it should contain 10 digits. If you’re unsure of your UID number, contact your local help desk for assistance.
More Tips to Solve Account Claiming Issues
Clear your browser cache and cookies before claiming your NCEdCloud account.
Ensure your browser is updated and compatible.
Disable any add-ons or extensions that might interrupt the claiming process.
If you’ve been trying to claim your account for a while and are still facing issues, try using another device or internet connection and login NCEdCloud account.