Troubleshooting Account Claim Issues

If you’re having trouble getting your NcedCloud account set up, don’t fret! Here, we’ve got some easy fixes to help you out:

Common Claiming Issues

(Unable to Claim an Ncedcloud Account): Many users encounter this technical problem while trying to claim their account from the platform’s servers.

(Account Claiming Email Not Received): This is a common issue where users haven’t received the confirmation email yet.

(Invalid Credentials Error): This problem arises when users provide incorrect information during the claiming or login process.

Solutions to Account Claiming Issues

  • Double-check that you’ve entered all your information correctly.
  • Enter a password that meets the password policy and ensure there are no spelling errors.
  • If you haven’t received the claiming instructions email, check your spam folder.
  • Verify that your eScholar UID number, Staff UID, or Students’ UID number is correct; it should contain 10 digits. If you’re unsure of your UID number, contact your local help desk for assistance.

More Tips to Solve Account Claiming Issues

  • Clear your browser cache and cookies before claiming your NCEdCloud account.
  • Ensure your browser is updated and compatible.
  • Disable any add-ons or extensions that might interrupt the claiming process.
  • If you’ve been trying to claim your account for a while and are still facing issues, try using another device or internet connection and login NCEdCloud account.